Jill Bialosky

Jill Bialosky lee tres poemas de su libro; Asilo. Miami Book fair 2021. Poeta, novelista, ensayista, editora, el último volumen de poesía de Jill Bialosky es Asylum. Es autora de cinco colecciones de poesía. Sus poemas y ensayos han aparecido en The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s, O Magazine, The Kenyon Review, Harvard Review y Paris Review, entre otros. Coeditó con Helen Schulman la antología Wanting a Child. Es editora ejecutiva y vicepresidenta de W. W. Norton & Company. En 2014 fue honrada por la Poetry Society of America por su distinguida contribución a la poesía.

Jill Bialosky reads three poems from her book; Asylum. Poet, Novelist, Essayist, Editor, Jill Bialosky’s newest volume of poetry is Asylum: A Personal, Historical, Natural Inquiry in 103 Lyric Sections. She is the author of five acclaimed collections of poetry, three critically acclaimed novels, most recently, The Prize, and two memoirs, Poetry Will Save Your Life and New York Times bestselling memoir History of a Suicide: My Sister’s Unfinished Life. Her poems and essays have appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s, O Magazine, The Kenyon Review, Harvard Review, and Paris Review among others. She co-edited with Helen Schulman the anthology, Wanting a Child. She is an Executive Editor and Vice President at W. W. Norton & Company. In 2014 she was honored by the Poetry Society of America for her distinguished contribution to poetry.