EE UU. Studied poetry at Bennington College. She became a lawyer, worked in local government, and served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Her poems have appeared in journals such as Ibbetson Street, Muddy River Poetry Review, qarrtsiluni, Quadrille, Poetry Porch/ Sonnet Scroll, and Sanctuary, was awarded Best Love Sonnet in the 2012 Maria C. Faust Sonnet Competition. She won the New England Poetry Club’s Samuel Washington Allen Prize in 2021. Her books are Curious Peach (Ibbetson Street Press, 2019) and City of Stories (Cervena Barva Press, 2021.)
Fields, October
We draw sustenance
from the death of the land:
rabbits running where the chicory
chokes the milkweed in a tangle;
ripening of the pod, the husk
grows hard and snaps.
The wind, astonishingly thorough,
strips the woodland to its silver bones.
We tread the fallen cornstalks, their crackle
Is the single reply to the voice of the crow.
The day draws in from both sides, morning
and evening shroud us, the hillsides
obscure even our shadows in their depths
Campos, Octubre
Sacamos sustento
de la muerte de la tierra:
los conejos corren donde la achicoria
ahoga el algodoncillo en una maraña;
la vaina madura, la cáscara
se endurece y se rompe.
El viento, asombrosamente minucioso,
desnuda el bosque hasta sus huesos de plata.
Pisamos los tallos de maíz caídos, su crujido
es la única respuesta a la voz del cuervo.
El día se dibuja en ambos lados, la mañana
y la tarde nos envuelve, las laderas
oscurecen incluso nuestras sombras en sus profundidades.
Traducción: Nidia Hernández