Christie Towers se licenció en poesía en el Emerson College y está cursando un máster en poesía en la Universidad de Massachusetts, Boston. Su obra puede encontrarse en Narrative Magazine, Ohio Edit, SummerStock y Reality Hands. Vive en el área de Boston.
Christie Towers is a poet and educator at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, where she is currently earning her MFA. She is on the pastoral care team for MANNA, a ministry for the unhoused community of downtown Boston at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. She has published poems in various journals, online and in print, most recently in Meridian, LETTERS Journal, and Cathexis Northwest. Her work has been featured in Ted Kooser’s project, American Life in Poetry. She is currently working on a collection of poems about the visions of Hildegard von Bingen.
Y escuché hablar una voz celestial
un color rojizo un cinturón dorado
indescriptible se apareció un cordero de oro
un rayo cada vez más brillante adornó la voz
hablando un color parecido al amanecer
de su cuello a su descubierto
Jacinto ella resplandeció, ella me habló
de la oscuridad fui arrojada a una lengua
a una oscuridad tan horrible y la luz
blanca como una nube de su ombligo
hacia abajo un jacinto que ella aún no tenía
vino a la vida y otra vez oí
las estrellas y su voz como una mano tocándome
Traducción: Nidia Hernández
And I heard a Heavenly voice speak
a reddish color a golden girdle
unutterable a lamb appears a golden
ray all brighter adorned a voice
speaks a color similar to the dawn
from her throat down to her uncovered
hyacinth she glowed she spoke to me
of darkness I was thrown into a language
a darkness so horrible and the light
white as a cloud from her navel
downward a hyacinth she had not yet
come into existence and again I heard
the stars and her voice like a hand touched me