Amanda Moore

Amanda Moore lee, “Abriendo la colmena” de su libro: Requeening.La primera colección de poesía de Amanda Moore, Requeening, fue seleccionada para la Serie Nacional de Poesía por Ocean Vuong. HarperCollins / Ecco en octubre de 2021. Sus poemas han aparecido en revistas y antologías como Best New Poets, ZZYZVA, Cream City Review, y Mamas and Papas: On the Sublime and Heartbreaking Art of Parenting, y sus ensayos han aparecido en The Baltimore Review, Hippocampus Magazine y en el blog del University of Arizona Poetry Center. Ha recibido premios de escritura, residencias y becas de The Brown Handler Residency, In Cahoots, The Writers Grotto, The Writing Salon, Brush Creek Arts Foundation y The Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts.

Amanda Moore reads, “Opening the Hive”. from her book: Requeening.Amanda Moore’s debut collection of poetry, Requeening, was selected for the 2020 National Poetry Series by Ocean Vuong and is forthcoming from HarperCollins/Ecco in October 2021. Her poems have appeared in journals and anthologies including Best New Poets, ZZYZVA, Cream City Review, and Mamas and Papas: On the Sublime and Heartbreaking Art of Parenting, and her essays have appeared in The Baltimore Review, Hippocampus Magazine, and on the University of Arizona Poetry Center’s blog. She is the recipient of writing awards, residencies, and fellowships from The Brown Handler Residency, In Cahoots, The Writers Grotto, The Writing Salon, Brush Creek Arts Foundation, and The Saltonstall Foundation for the Arts.